A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Manage a factory in this factorio/mindustry inspired game !

Place conveyors, routers and underground conveyors to deliver items from generators to machines and then to consumers. Nevertheless, space is limited and building and producing cost resources. Will you be able to produce an electronic circuit ?

Game mechanics details:

Generators produce items: select the item by clicking on it. TO ACCESS A BLOCK SUB MENU, YOU NEED TO DESELECT BEFORE WITH Q. However, producing has a cost, this is the number indicated when you hover an item in the generator sub menu. Generators can produce wood, iron plate, copper plan, silicon or carbon.

Generator sub menu

Generators work only if they can output an item to a conveyor. To do this, place a conveyor on one of the four side of a generator like this:

Conveyors take item from behind and output them in front of them. They can also take item from their left or right only if it is a conveyor (or a router/underground conveyor).

Items can now be send to a consumer (green block), they take item from their side and increase your resources by the item value. To increase the value of an item, you should use a machine (blue block). Place a machine, select a recipe with the machine sub menu (click on it)

A machine producing wood plank

Machines can produce wood plank, pipe, gear, copper wire, inductor, capacitor, transistor, resistor and electronic circuit. Machines also have the capability to directly feed adjacent machines or consumers.

To make item traveling easier, you can use routers and underground conveyors. Routers take items from behind and output them to the three others sides.

Using routers to feed multiple machines from one lane

And finally, underground conveyors allow to go under the ground. Two underground conveyors need to be linked to work, two of those are linked if they share the same color and they are at a distance less or equals than 5. Underground conveyors are automatically linked to latest selected underground conveyor (indicated by an orange selection). You can manually select an underground conveyor by left clicking on it

Two linked underground conveyor

The final goal is to produce an electronic circuit.

Item values

Wood plank25
Iron plate1000
Copper plate1000
Copper wire1200
Electronic circuit100000

Interface details:

In the bottom: blocks than can be placed: in order: conveyor, router, underground conveyor, generator, consumer, machine and wall. The cost of a block is the number on the left

In the top: your resources. You cannot place blocks or produce items who cost more than that. You can see the cost of an item by hovering an item in the generator sub menu.


LEFT CLICK: select blocks, place blocks, open sub menu for routers, machines and generators, and link/unlink underground conveyors.

Q: deselect

RIGHT CLICK: delete block

R: rotate selected block

SHIFT+R: swap underground conveyor



Updated 21 days ago
Published 23 days ago
PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux


The-factory-must-run.jar 13 MB

Install instructions

Install Java 11. I recommend you to install Java from this website: https://adoptium.net/temurin/releases/, select your platform and download a JRE. Download the game and double click the file. If it don't work, open a terminal and run 'java -jar The-factory-must-run.jar'

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